Friday, October 30, 2009

Final Reflection

This course has given us the opportunity to discover and experience using many visual tools that can be incorporated into our teaching. Everyone clearly understands the power of using visual images whether they be in  advertising, entertainment or the teaching field. We all know from experience that visual images have the power to capture our attention like no text can.

 As teachers, we also know that it is important to differentiate the content of our lessons so that they meet the varied interests, learning styles and readiness of our students. Visual images meet the needs of students in ways that text alone cannot. So many of our students have grown up surrounded by movies, DVD’s, and digital games that their brains readily receive and respond to the visual images contained therein.

 I have always loved words, reading, and language in general whether it is English, French, Spanish or Arabic. (Sorry, Thai is not there yet.) However, after seeing the Power Point from ISB (Brussels) I was struck by how much more powerful the right text is when accompanied by visuals. Again, I mention the example from the Power Point that sticks in my mind: One picture of a group of students from ISB and the words: Everyone included, Everyone challenged, Everyone succeeds. Anyone who can master the art of melding text and visuals the way David Willows of ISB Brussels has is truly a brilliant communicator.

 As teachers become proficient in using visual images in their work with students, and students in turn become more proficient, a really powerful connection to millions of others opens via the Web. This connection or network is ultimately very democratizing because individuals have the means to speak to a vast audience – or as Kevin Kelly says, “The fluid and fleeting symbols on a screen pull us away from the classical notions of monumental authors and authority.” Clay Shirkey, in his book Here Comes Everybody, made a similar observation that through the Web like-minded people now have the chance to organize without belonging to an organization. Lastly, using visual images and the Web is another powerful tool toward what Ray Kurzweil takes to be the evolutionary mandate of our species: infusing the universe with intelligence and order.


The team 7 final project involved students making a SmartMovie to help them learn 20 geography terms that they would subsequently need to know for the “Create an Island” Project. In the Create an Island Project students are meant to create an island community which involves positioning the island at a latitude and longitude that would support the crops and agriculture to sustain the size of the community - in part determined by the island’s area. Students will also need to place needed landforms on the island and have an understanding of its climate.

 The SmartMovies gave students the chance to learn and internalize the vocabulary needed for the Create an Island project. Students used audio, text and images to create their SmartMovies which were placed on the teacher’s blog. Thus, students learned vocabulary and concepts from creating their own movie as well as watching other students’ movies.

 We feel that the SmartMovie project was highly successful as it gave students the opportunity to participate in a hands-on project that was shared with other students. Students successfully learned the needed technology skills as well as the geography curricular content.






1 comment:

  1. Fantastic example Steve! Any chance we could see those finished student movies online anywhere?
