Monday, December 7, 2009

Whose job is it to teach the NETS and AASL standards to students?

It seems that the job of teaching NETS and ASSL standards to students falls on the shoulders of the teachers. They are the ones in daily contact with students and they have an understanding of how technology is to be embedded in the respective grade-level curriculums. By teachers, I mean all instructional staff including IA’s.

 Everyone would agree that the AASL Standards are desirable for all students to strive for and attain: using the inquiry process; thinking critically; gaining knowledge and understanding; making conclusions; making informed decisions; applying knowledge to new situations and creating new knowledge.

 The development of the above skills is desirable in all curricular areas including math, science, PE and the humanities. Therefore, all teachers would be responsible to teach the skills. The job of the tech coaches would be to help teachers implement just-in-time technology applications as needed by students in their inquiry learning. 

1 comment:

  1. Do you think that all teachers are easily convinced of this?
